
Organization Type: Thrower

Organization Type?
I wish I was brave like a Thrower.

Are you someone who easily throws paper? You look at it, read it, and either file it or throw it. I wish. My mom is like this – she’s able to decide after a quick glance if she’ll want it again.

I think it’s brave to throw papers away. You might need the information again. I’m getting better, some information I wouldn’t be able to find very quickly so I may as well re-download it if I need it.

I’m a slow processor. I might read something thoroughly, then I’ll probably need to read it again. Then a day or two later I’ll still be thinking on it and need to read it again. I’m visual. I need to see something in writing to remember it. I don’t throw papers easily. I probably have 98% of all receipts for the last 5-7 years – all put away, organized in baggies by year.

That said, virtual files (except your photos!) – I pitch easily. After all, if I found it once online, and I really care – I’ll be able to find it again.

On digital photos and throwing them away…the reason I have over 40K, is because I’m afraid of losing them all. So, I’ve copied them a time or two and have them on a few different hard drives. Obviously, I need to spend an hour (or sixty) to delete the bad photos ruthlessly. I’m not there yet. :-)

I consider a Thrower a type of organization because if you throw it away, you’re still doing something with it. It isn’t one of a million pieces of paper you are looking at in piles.

Side note: There is a REALLY cool device you can use to quickly scan all your papers into documents on the computer. I really want one. It’s over $200…. I was skeptical on the ease of scanning paper into the computer until seeing it in use.

I’ll freely admit I’m a paper addict BUT the idea of “going paperless” is very enticing to me.

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