
Organization Type: Piler

Organization Type?
With real paper, I’m a Piler…


As you can see, in real life – with real paper – I am a Piler.

I vertically pile (file) on pretty much any & every horizontal surface. The above photos are just two of my many work piles.

The photo on the left is on my desk, it is the urgent to-do pile. Yes, my laptop is part of the pile – it comes and goes multiple times per day. Several other urgent to-do notebooks are in my laptop backpack, which leaves with me three days a week (and hadn’t made it back out of my backpack onto the desk when I took this photo).

The photo on the right is the lesser urgent to-do pile on the floor next to my desk. Yes, there is an extra external hard drive on the top of my pile. It has one of many copies of my photo files.

Despite the look of the mess. When it comes to virtual files, I can’t do “piled”. There is an elusiveness of virtual files – because they aren’t tangible, I need them in their place – not dumped – or I can’t find them again.

Piled virtual files is what can easily happen when you just let your computer save what you’re working on into the “Documents” folder. I do sometimes Pile – like when I put all photos from my camera card into “Newest Nikon photo download”, but they don’t stay there for long.

… just wanted to make sure you know where I’m coming from :-).

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