
Getting started…

It’s a new year!

I feel like September 1st is more of a new year than January 1st (maybe I just take that long to “get my act together” each year 😊). Random side note: I took those photos in 2014 – the last time I saw fireworks in the dark and my fingers were warm (We’ve only seen them in warm temperatures three times in the last 20 years). In Alaska, we do fireworks for New Years Eve – the last time I tried my camera stopped working because it was too cold.

Seriously, though – my heart & mind are naturally geared for a September 1st new year. I LOVE school & office supplies – every year I get more notebooks, pens, color crayons, colored pencils! It might be because this is when our routine changes each year – and it’s a season change.

So – in honor of the “new year” I’m going to post some basic getting started information in a mini series. I’m hoping this little series will help you feel more confident in starting your new pursuit.

Are you trying to decide whether you want to start & maintain an online space on the world wide web? Or do you know you want a space, you just don’t know what kind?

I will have affiliate links in my posts, but I will only link to something I believe has the potential to truly be beneficial for you. And, just to clarify, affiliate links won’t cost you anything, but when you use my links the company will give me a commission on what you purchase. I won’t see your information though. In advance, thank you for any of my links you may use.

To start your space on the internet, there are some decisions you will need to make immediately. Yes, you can typically change most everything once you get going. However, some of these first questions are ones you really need to answer first – or you may get stuck starting over – or paying more to change later.

I’m going to list some questions for you to think about, then in another post I’ll let you know what/how I decided.

  • Do you want a blog, a website, or both?
    • IF you want both, is there a reason you would not want them together? (such as: you want the blog to be personal, and the website is for a business)
  • Regardless of which you want, what is the purpose?
    • Is this space to be used for an online journal;
    • To stay in touch with family;
    • Do you just want to be able to comment on other people’s blogs? 
    • Is it to sell product/s?
    • A place online, nothing more than an electronic business card (your contact information only);
    • Do you want to use your online space for portfolio purposes?
  • Do you want to borrow space online or “own” your space on the internet?
    • Borrow = you can usually find ways to start for free. This would be like living at someone else’s house – you don’t pay, you’re on borrowed time, it could end at any moment.
    • “Own” = you pay to rent your domain name and pay hosting to rent space to house your domain. I say “own” because the internet is not tangible, it’s virtual. You can’t really own it. Also, it’s more like renting a house – it’s not really yours, just as long as you keep paying and nothing changes. BUT, when you “own” your online space, the content you publish remains yours.

There aren’t any wrong answers here. You get to totally and completely personalize this experience! You don’t have to do it a certain way (as long as you’re still following legalities and laws of the land – obviously) – it is up to you and what you want to maintain.

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